Anker (1) - Anker and the Shouting Man

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Anker (1) - Anker and the Shouting Man E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
2024, Anglicky, 3 strán - Kniha zo série Anker
6,59 €
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Kód:  EK51355 ISBN: 999-00-040-1262-2
Anker (1) - Anker and the Shouting Man 6,59 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Anker (1) - Anker and the Shouting Man

Just because you got up a little late doesn’t mean you have to rush, does it? Anker certainly doesn\\\'t think so, but his father disagrees. “We’re in a mad hurry!” he keeps shouting. Anker has lots of good ideas, for example, turning his bed into a castle or hiding something in his breakfast.

Alberte Winding (born 1963) is a Danish singer, actress and writer. She is the daughter of the prominent cultural couple Thomas Winding and Lulu Gauguin and has made her mark on the Danish consciousness since childhood, for example as Luna in Bamses Billedbog on Danish Radio. She has also published a large number of books. While most of her writing is aimed at children and young people, she has also written several acclaimed novels.

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