Literackość w żydowskich i nie-żydowskich czeskich i polskich tekstach byłych więźniów obozu koncent

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Literackość w żydowskich i nie-żydowskich czeskich i polskich tekstach byłych więźniów obozu koncent E-kniha, Poľsky
Elektronická kniha
2023, Poľsky, 338 strán
14,90 €
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Kód:  EK51412 ISBN: 978-80-244-6427-5
Literackość w żydowskich i nie-żydowskich czeskich i polskich tekstach byłych więźniów obozu koncent 14,90 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Literackość w żydowskich i nie-żydowskich czeskich i polskich tekstach byłych więźniów obozu koncent

The subject of the monograph is the camp texts of former prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp, of Jewish and non-Jewish origin, direct witnesses of the events, originally written in Czech or Polish. This work consists of two parts: theoretical and analytical. Theoretical involves research focusing on a topic of collecting, including an overview of archival sources, the definition of the current genre framework of camp texts and the Holocaust, competitions for war (in the Czechia) or camp (in Poland) memoirs and the methodology (Russian formalism in analyze of the camp texts, elements of New Historicism, Trauma Studies, etc.). The analytical part concerns the analysis of selected texts (unpublished), including comparison of Polish and Czech texts, reconstruction of biographies of individual authors using the latest sources, selection of topos, motifs and images occurring in their texts, method of describing events and the emerging literary contexts of camp texts. The monograph refers to archival collections located in the Czech Republic, Poland and Israel. The classification of post-war camp texts available in archives was discussed in more detail, including: at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, the Terezín Memorial, the State Museum at Majdanek, the National Archives, Yad Vashem, the Ghetto Fighters\' House Museum, Massuah, together with their comparison, especially regarding the policies affecting their acquisition, storage and sharing. The work aims to draw attention to the huge amount of unprocessed material contained in the archives and their potential.

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