Lost in time 3

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Lost in time 3 E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: Anton Schulz
2020, Anglicky, 312 strán - 3 Kniha zo série Lost in Time
8,88 €
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Kód:  EK35880 ISBN: 999-00-020-9664-8
Lost in time 3 8,88 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Lost in time 3

After another passage through the Time Gate, in order to find Eduard Beck and stop him, Peter, originally from the 20th century, lands in the wrong time and finds himself in the deep past, at the very beginning of mankind.

Bloodthirsty predators and the harsh landscape almost bring him down. He finds two kinds of people: rude and cruel Neanderthals and not too different, but a little friendlier, more intelligent people. After initial hostile interaction with local inhabitants, he finds, due to cooperation and friendship, he can survive in these conditions, too.

Along with dangerous hunts and clashes with enemy warriors, he learns of the existence of a mysterious civilization, led by weird bloodthirsty hybrids.
It’s just a matter of time, until their paths cross.

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