Moominvalley Detectives

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Moominvalley Detectives E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: Tove Jansson
2024, Anglicky, 100 strán
7,09 €
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Kód:  EK50319 ISBN: 999-00-039-4794-9
Moominvalley Detectives 7,09 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Moominvalley Detectives

Ready yourself for cosy adventures with all your favourite characters from the Moomins!

Follow along as Moomintroll and his friends play detective and help solve the mystery of Mrs Fillyjonk\s stolen necklace, the disappearance of Hermulen’s last stamp, and much more. Heartwarming, joyful and filled to the brim with mystery, these short stories are perfect for young readers and is the ideal bedtime book option!

Moomin come and join the tranquil and timeless Moominworld, where Moomintroll, Moominpappa and Moominmamma set out on many marvelous adventures together with their friends; Snorkmaiden, Sniff, Little My, Snufkin, Stinky, Mrs Fillyjonk and all the others. To what mythical lands will the journey lead next, and what fairy tail creatures will Moomintroll and his friends discover along the way?

Since 1945, Tove Jansson\s magical Moominworld has enchanted children and adults alike, spanning books, comics, and TV-series in 35+ languages which all feature the beloved Moomin family and their friends. Jansson’s unique, almost mythical fantasy-scape has won her several literary prizes such as the Hans Christian Andersen Medal and the Selma Lagerlöfs prize.

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