Rainbow Chicks - Self-Confidence - Be Your Unique Self

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Rainbow Chicks - Self-Confidence - Be Your Unique Self E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
2022, Anglicky, 25 strán - Kniha zo série Rainbow Chicks
5,99 €
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Kód:  EK51851 ISBN: 999-00-038-4185-8
Rainbow Chicks - Self-Confidence - Be Your Unique Self 5,99 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Rainbow Chicks - Self-Confidence - Be Your Unique Self

Learn how to be yourself with your good friends the Rainbow Chicks! Four new, exciting stories: Berry\'s Trouble, An Egg with Legs, A Dark Cloud and Violet’s Trouble. These stories help children to get to know themselves, appreciate their unique identities, establish self-confidence, and foster an optimistic outlook. Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems. Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it\'s paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks! The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

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